Assed is an investigative journalist and reporter and is currently the Iran Correspondent for Al Jazeera English. His stories have gained international coverage and millions of views worldwide.
He has worked in Syria, Central African Republic, Myanmar and Libya, previously worked as a reporter for Channel 4 News, the BBC and TRT World.
Assed was lead correspondent in Afrin during Turkey’s operation Olive Branch when the Free Syrian Army and Turkish military took Afrin town.
Assed has worked on the Channel 4 News investigations unit, reported on daily news and features. He specialises in extremism, radicalization and terrorism and produced world exclusives on British ISIS escapees. He was lead reporter on Grenfell tower fire in London described as the worst UK residential fire since the Second World War.
English is his first language but he can converse in Urdu, Punjabi and Arabic. He is well versed in international politics and current affairs.
Assed is versatile and resourceful. He can work on many platforms; print, online, audio and video.
Pakistan, Kashmir, Bosnia and Somalia are some of the countries he has reported from as well as having spent time living in Syria and Mauritania.
Assed has consulted organisations on social media, public relations and human rights reporting.
He was born and bred in Birmingham but currently works out of London. He has specialist knowledge of the Muslim community and Islam.
Assed Baig, Thank you for your reports from Iran. I would guess it Iran is not an easy country for journalists and reporters, but you seem to do a good job.